Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Would the American government allow private companies to sell genetically modified food to the general public without conducting its own extensive and thorough research? Here's the unfortunate answer: 

  FDA evaluates information provided by developers during a

  consultation process to ensure that human and animal food
  safety issues or other regulatory issues (e.g., labeling) 

  are resolved prior to commercial distribution.


The epistemological aspect of science adds to the already unlimited amount of paradoxes in the apex of knowledge. I'm not sure if super computers/quantum computers would be able to aid man in his attempt to know all things. 

We are cute, though, in our attempt to understand all things. But lets remind ourselves, we are very young and have a lot of learning to do. But if we can't find ways to live in peace among ourselves, we may never have the opportunity to grow and discover more of the amazing universe. "Peace is the key to the gates of heavens"-CLS1

Lies, murder, thievery, corruption, rape, etc., are not just sins religions around the world preach about (I'm actually agnostic). These human proclivities must be eradicated from our world if we are to survive. These are not just religious and philosophical attributes or behaviors: they are just as important(if not more important) as science. If we fail to control our innate urge to destroy one another or transgress toward one another, we can forget about science and everything else. "Love will open the heavens; hate will destroy the earth."-CLS1 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Civil Liberties are eroding while Corporate influence and power in American politics is growing.

"Capitalism is the Mr. Smith in a Democratic Matrix."-CLS1 

Notice where the power lies in the following systems. The first two systems are (ideally) controlled by the masses or the entire population. The third and forth are controlled by the rich and powerful. Lets take a look:

Republic-a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of CITIZENS entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.

Democracy-government by the PEOPLE; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the PEOPLE and exercised directly by THEM or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.

Capitalism-an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS or CORPORATIONS.

Plutocracy-a government or state in which THE WEALTHY CLASS RULE; a CLASS or GROUP RULING, or exercising power or influence, BY VIRTUE OF ITS WEALTH.

Oligarchy-a form of government in which all power is vested in a FEW PERSONS or in a DOMINANT CLASS or CLIQUE; government by the FEW.

Capitalism is a tool plutocrats and oligarchs are using to achieve their goal of control over the masses. Notice how our government is cutting public programs, monitoring the masses (NSA recent scandal), creating laws that circumvent our civil liberties, and increase Corporate influence in this "democratic system" (i.e Super PACs, lobbying). Capitalism is put on a higher pedestal than democracy in America. Democracy is quickly disappearing while capitalism is becoming more pronounced. But we should not be surprised by this takeover: the origins of America began with greed (capitalism). In that case, democracy has been attempting to take over capitalism and not the other way around. Well, democracy's attempt to overthrow capitalism (greed, corruption, plutocrats and oligarchs)has failed. A police state is on the horizon; any further attempts to overthrow plutocrats and oligarchs will be meet with force-although they will disguise  it as protecting civil order; they did the same thing to Civil Rights Protestors in the 50s and 60s.        

Super PACs-officially known as "independent-expenditure only committees," may not make contributions to candidate campaigns or parties, but may engage in unlimited political spending independently of the campaigns. Unlike traditional PACs, they can raise funds from individuals, corporations, unions, and other groups without any legal limit on donation size.

Lobbying-the act of attempting to influence decisions made by officials in the government, most often legislators or members of regulatory agencies. Lobbying is done by many different types of people and organized groups, including individuals in the PRIVATE SECTOR, CORPORATIONS, fellow legislators or government officials, or advocacy groups (interest groups).

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014


Reenacting sex positions to music or a beat is not dancing. I see a lot of young African Americans doing this-please stop it! This is actually a perversion of the art of dancing: It is like singing but using only profanities. As African Americans, we should try not to show the world all of our aberration. There are already too many stereotypes and misrepresentations of African Americans-this kind of stuff exacerbates the issue. So, we must remember: as we are laughing at ourselves, the world is laughing at us too. Consider black on black crime, black incarceration rates, high school dropout rates, single parent homes, college attendance rates for black men, HIV in the black communities, high rates of low education, etc. When the world see black plight, they consider the statistics and then are reminded of s*** like this. This causes many of them to not feel sympathetic toward black suffering: they feel that we brought the suffering upon ourselves. I know it's an ignorant way to think-although there is some truth to it-,but when we give them ammo for their racist guns, we shouldn't be surprised when they fire their racist and prejudice weapons at us. The internet is inundated with videos of black aberration. We are airing our dirty laundry. Yeah, all people have dirty laundry, but our laundry seems to affect us tremendously. We should be more mindful of our public image before uploading videos of our children using profanity, our men and women fighting one another like wild dogs, our youth fighting themselves and their teachers in classrooms, etc. The world already doesn’t give a damn about us; and this kind of stuff makes them feel that they are justified in their apathy toward us. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Excerpt from (1863) Rev. Jonathan C. Gibbs, “Freedom's Joyful Day

Scout, deride, malign this intimation, as the enemies of God and man will and may, the American people must yield to His inscrutable fiat, or the legacy of their fathers will be squandered 'midst poverty, ignorance, blood and shame. The people must support this Proclamation, heartily, earnestly, strengthening the hands of our government by all the energies and resources they possess, or in a short time the question will not be whether black men are to be slaves, but whether white men are to be free! You had better a thousand times let us into the full light of liberty with yourselves, than that yourselves come into a condition equal to that of the slave at the South. We pray you this day, be just to yourselves, and then to us you must be true. - See more at: