Monday, February 3, 2014


Life is intelligent: the genetic information (information is a product of intelligence) of DNA is encoded in the sequence of the bases and is transcribed as the strands unwind and replicate. The complexities of life indicate a high level of intelligence. So, to answer the question of whether or not there is an intelligent designer, the indisputable answer is yes: coded information is at the foundation of life, and it is that information (intelligence) that instructs the designs of life. An Intelligent designer is not what is being disputed; it is the origins, nature, and identity and characteristics of the intelligent designer that is being disputed.     

You could take it a step further and ask the question: if life is coded information in the form of genetic material, then is there a coder? Believe it or not, there is an answer to this question: yes, there is a coder! Scientists would assert that the coder is chance and serendipity; theists would assert that the coder is a Conscious deity that creates with purpose. Coded information and a coder are not what is being disputed. What is being argued is the origins, nature, and identity and characteristics of the code and the coder.

There is an intelligent designer. There is coded information in the form of genetic material. There is a coder that coded the genetic material. What, who, and where that coder is is what scientists and theists are disputing. They are disputing the nature of the code, not the code itself. They are disputing the nature of the intelligent designer, not the intelligent designer itself. This perspective of the debate should unbalance the debate's equilibrium and create a separate paradox all of its own. 

                                "The Story Of The Mystery Box

       Two people are staring at a box: one is an atheist and the other is a theist. They have a disagreement over the box's contents: the atheist says there's nothing inside the box, and the theist says there is something in the box. Although they disagree on the box's contents, they agree that there is a box. No matter how much they debate over the box's contents, they are not able to open the box and look inside to determine who's correct or incorrect."-CLS1

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