"The purpose of life is to live, reproduce, and
Although this explains the purpose of life, it falls short of
explaining what life is. Biology is where we must turn to search for the answer
to this question: what is life? Another question that we will ultimately arrive
at is: what is consciousness? The latter question will require the knowledge of
multiple fields of science in order to conclude with a sensible hypothesis.
Biology-the science of life or living matter in all its forms
and phenomena, especially with reference to origin, growth reproduction,
structure, and behavior.
Life-the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic
objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism,
reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes
originating internally.
Based on the definition of life, life begins as an organic
machine that converts energy. It then uses that energy to grow and reproduce.
So at the core of life, unconscious and seemingly mechanical cellular functions
are occurring. Life appears to be an organic machine composed of hardware and
software (DNA). At its core life is designed to convert energy in order to grow
itself, reproduce, and adapt to its environment. From the bottom-up and
inside-out, life is an organic machine converting energy and reproducing
itself. That's it! There seems to be nothing else to find here. That's all
there is to life; and Life seems happy with that. But you know who's not happy
with that explanation? Our consciousness!
Our minds think highly of themselves. They are
anthropocentrically arrogant and narcissistic. But where does this
consciousness come from in an organic machine that is designed to merely
convert energy and reproduce? Now we begin to journey through the evolutionary
stages of humanity. Here we will discover how and why organic machinery gave
rise to human (and animal) consciousness.
Before I continue, let me make the thesis clear: life is an
organic machine in which consciousness is a result or byproduct of.
Consciousness-awareness of one's own existence, sensations,
thoughts, surroundings, etc.
To make it short and simple: consciousness derives out of the
organic machinery necessity to survive. Most of the things we boast about our
consciousness have their origins in basic survival instincts. For example:
awareness or consciousness is a requirement if you want to find food (energy)
and fight or flee when predators approach (survive); and communication is
important for social and clandestine animals' survival. Intelligence
(epistemology) plays a major role in this saga of life, but I will address that
at a later time.
According to this thesis: organic machinery converts energy,
reproduce, and adapt to its environment; and consciousness is a byproduct of
its survival tactics and adaptions. As you can see, consciousness is the last
to arrive on the scene of life. Perhaps our consciousness will continue to
expand and evolve as we discover more about ourselves and our universe.
But the question that perplexes me is: why is DNA so damn
amazing? You and I, our love ones, and all of life are all made from this
magical substance. All the things we love about life and its diversity derives
from DNA. What forces assembled DNA, and what forces set it in motion to
produce the diversity and complexity we call life? Now the journey continues,
and we're left with even more puzzling questions than when we began.
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