Friday, February 28, 2014


Man and his hubris. Our technology works and operates on many of the same principles as nature operates on, yet some of us don't see the "Atheistic Conundrum." Below are man made and natural made objects, yet man proclaims to be the only intelligent mind at work. If we continue on this path of mimicking nature and creating complex and calculating objects, we may one day create man in our image.

In the Holy Bible, God prohibit man from taking from the tree of knowledge. It states that the Lord blocked the way to the tree of knowledge with a flaming sword spinning in all directions. Other stories in the bible, such as the Tower of Babel, speaks of God destroying man's attempt to advance his knowledge and intellectual capabilities. I ask, Where is God Now!

Man is becoming more powerful than he has ever been. His knowledge is growing by the second, yet his heart is still dark and cold. Although he is gaining knowledge, he is still ignorant, arrogant, and evil. Man is not worthy of having such power. If there is a God that cares about the affairs on this marble, then now would be a good time to intervene.

Nanotechnology (sometimes shortened to "nanotech") is the manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale.

Biology is a NATURAL science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy.

microprocessor, any of a type of miniature electronic device that contains the arithmetic, logic, and control circuitry necessary to perform the functions of a digital computer’s central processing unit. In effect, this kind of integrated circuit can interpret and execute program instructions as well as handle arithmetic operations.

The cell is the basic structural, functional and biological unit of all known living organisms. Cells are the smallest unit of life that can replicate independently, and are often called the "building blocks of life."

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


America has been dealing (or the lack thereof) with the same social issues for hundreds of years (i.e. race, employment, justice, equality, etc.). It's the same story over and over. I was reading Dubois' "Souls of black folk" the other day, and the social issues (i.e. race, employment, education, equality, justice, etc.) he was talking about were the same Obama spoke of in his SOTU speech-Dubois' book was published in the late 1800s. As I have been reading the wonderful book, I realized that America has been talking about doing the right thing but has not taken serious and bold steps in doing so. But, I'm not surprised by this flirtatious behavior with justice, equality, peace, etc. from a nation that was created out injustice, inequality, war, murder, rape, thievery, etc. 

MLK had a dream that his people would live in a nation that embraced justice;  unfortunately his people (and many others) are carrying on his dream. Honestly, I'm tired of dreaming. I'm tired of waiting for a group of people to do the right thing, especially when they have no history of doing so. I'm tired of our efforts of trying to tame their satanic proclivities to destroy, rape, murder, deceive, segregate, manipulate, and despoil. 

Europeans have held the crown of world domination for a while now. We can look at their history and see what kind of people they have been. Nothing in that history indicates that they are a people of love, peace, and justice. So, why are we wasting our time? What do we want more: to rehabilitate our people and create a world that our children can thrive in; or to tame the beast that is bent on destruction? Of course we would like to do both, and both are daunting tasks, but taming the beast is more of a challenge than it is to rehabilitate African Americans. Perhaps once we rehabilitate ourselves, then we can focus on taming the beast. But we must understand, this beast only respects formidable opponents. Like a schoolyard bully, he preys on the weak. We as African Americans know this very well. We understand this beast, for we have been his victims and he has been our terrorizer. Lets not spend another moment trying to rehabilitate our terrorizer; but let us spend more time rehabilitating our men, women, children, and our communities. I'm not suggesting that we can't do both; but we have tried to do both, and because of this, we are failing at both sides. Perhaps we can expend more time, energy and resources on rehabbing ourselves, rather than trying to tame, pacify, and shame the beast into a peaceful and nonviolent state. We have been trying to calm his aggression. But look at the world and find his armies. He is not going to be tamed. Only complete defeat will subdue this creature.

Monday, February 3, 2014


Life is intelligent: the genetic information (information is a product of intelligence) of DNA is encoded in the sequence of the bases and is transcribed as the strands unwind and replicate. The complexities of life indicate a high level of intelligence. So, to answer the question of whether or not there is an intelligent designer, the indisputable answer is yes: coded information is at the foundation of life, and it is that information (intelligence) that instructs the designs of life. An Intelligent designer is not what is being disputed; it is the origins, nature, and identity and characteristics of the intelligent designer that is being disputed.     

You could take it a step further and ask the question: if life is coded information in the form of genetic material, then is there a coder? Believe it or not, there is an answer to this question: yes, there is a coder! Scientists would assert that the coder is chance and serendipity; theists would assert that the coder is a Conscious deity that creates with purpose. Coded information and a coder are not what is being disputed. What is being argued is the origins, nature, and identity and characteristics of the code and the coder.

There is an intelligent designer. There is coded information in the form of genetic material. There is a coder that coded the genetic material. What, who, and where that coder is is what scientists and theists are disputing. They are disputing the nature of the code, not the code itself. They are disputing the nature of the intelligent designer, not the intelligent designer itself. This perspective of the debate should unbalance the debate's equilibrium and create a separate paradox all of its own. 

                                "The Story Of The Mystery Box

       Two people are staring at a box: one is an atheist and the other is a theist. They have a disagreement over the box's contents: the atheist says there's nothing inside the box, and the theist says there is something in the box. Although they disagree on the box's contents, they agree that there is a box. No matter how much they debate over the box's contents, they are not able to open the box and look inside to determine who's correct or incorrect."-CLS1


What does it mean to be alive? What does it mean to be human? Is there any significance and purpose to our lives? What kind of animal are we that we ruminate, not just our own existence, but the existence of the cosmos as well? These are questions that may never be answered.

I think, therefore I am. I am, but I have no clue as to what it is that I am. I cannot measure my thoughts/consciousness. My consciousness is intangible. My own existence dumfounds me, and I cannot grasp its magnitude.

Many people will assert that the answers to these questions are found in religious texts, but religious texts are filled with many contradictions. Blind faith, they say, is what is needed to obtain the answers to these philosophical questions. But faith's credibility has been damaged by the actions of the men who posses it.

I am alive, but I have no idea what being alive implies. My mere existence paralyzes and disables my intelligence, and it renders my desire to know the purpose of life and existence useless. As long as I am alive, perhaps I am forever blinded by the purpose of life. It seems as though life itself cannot ascertain its own relevance. Perhaps in death, the purpose of life is disclosed.