Monday, December 30, 2013


The only reason something is alive is because it's dying. Without the process of death, can we say something is really living? The pinnacle of life is death. The climactic zenith of life is death. What is life without death? What is death without life? One gives purpose and reason for the other. Death is a process and a phase in which the living must traverse or transcend.

Your consciousness is a transient moment of awareness in the process of death. You are a witness of the galactic process of life and death. And not just a witness, but you are a player, made from the stars themselves, in the life story of the universe. Your life is a story being told by the universe itself. You are a page in the book of the cosmos. Your life story is just as much as the cosmos' life story as it is yours. Your physical body has been fashioned by the hands of the cosmos; and your experience, feelings, and knowledge are all micro bites of information in a macro universe. You are the culmination of circumstances, chances, serendipity, intention, fortune, mistakes, genetic heredity, social status, history, and environmental conditions. Your consciousness is a culmination of many things.

So, who are you? You are a galore of information packed into a minute place in the space-time continuum. You are but one blink of the galactic eyelash of the universe.

Understand your worth. Know that you are worth more than the fabrics you put on your back. You are precious because you are what you are....Human! We have been taught to be materialistic. We have lost our way. You are the jewel, diamond and precious stone. You are the wonder of the earth. Nothing on this earth is more sophisticated as you are; nothing is more precious as you are; nothing is more beautiful as you are. Know your worth. Don't admire man's creations more than you admire the creations of the universe. And understand this: you are the universe-at least a fraction of the ultimate consciousness of the universal consciousness.

Monday, December 23, 2013


America was built on the backs and bones of Native Americans and African slaves for European prosperity. European Americans used the sword, the whip, the gun, the shackles, and the bible to destroy and conquer people and land. Their rewards have quenched the thirst of prosperity for themselves and all those who have embraced their national ideologies.

When will you understand that America is what it has always been? This nation was not “founded” but STOLEN by European thugs. Their brutality gave rise to their prosperity. Anyone who partakes in her prosperity is also partaking in her brutality. Those who do so will not be spared. Do not be deceived: her prosperity does not come without bloodshed and deception. You are nursing from an old, cancerous, dying woman. If you prosper from her deception, you will suffer in her destruction. She is a wicked nation and has been so since the first letter of her constitution was written. She is a nation of vipers and beast, devils and less than holy priest. America is a land of devils! Although the masses of the American people have been deceived by the ruling elites, in their deceptive state of minds, they too are devils.

Enjoy the wealth of America while you can. Fill your homes with gifts and food. Forget the about the truth. Why should you concern yourself with the truth? The truth is irrelevant. There’s only one truth, and that’s your truth. There’s only one reality, and that’s your reality. Nothing matters outside of your own happiness. The world will take care of itself, right? Fools!!! In a state of delusion, you have formulated these thoughts and feelings of helplessness. Open your minds! Look the devil in the eyes.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Freedom-exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.

These are important questions to think about when we hear the word freedom:

  What is freedom? 
  Why is freedom important? 
  Who is demanding freedom and why does it matter? 
  How can freedom be dangerous? 

What is freedom?

Freedom is an exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc. Freedom liberates the individual(s) who is demanding it. It allows individuals to do as they desire without external oversight. 

Why is freedom important?

Freedom is important because it liberates individuals who maybe governed, controlled or ruled by an oppressive state, government, dictatorship, etc. If freedom is obtained, those individuals will be manumitted and will acquire the ability to do what they desire.

Who is demanding freedom? 

It is important to consider the individuals who are demanding freedom: Who are they? What do they intend to do once they acquire freedom? These are important questions and here's why: colonists in North America wanted their freedom from Great Britain, because they did not want to share their "new found wealth" in the form of taxation. They owned slaves, murdered indigenous people and stole their land. While they had slaves in chains, they cried for their freedom from Great Britain. These hypocrites, murderers, thieves, rapist, vipers and devils were crying for freedom, while they despoiled a nation inhabited by millions of people and enslaved millions more from the African continent.

 Why does it matter who's demanding freedom?

It matters because the individuals who are demanding freedom may have malevolent, odious, menacing, insidious and surreptitious desires. North American colonists murdered 90% of Native Americans within the first two centuries of their arrival to the continent; enslaved, raped, tortured and terrorized millions of African slaves; and created a nation that waged unjust wars on small nations, and were the first and only nation to use a nuclear bomb in war. Their freedom came at a tremendous cost to other people around the world. 

Today we hear right-wing politicians, corporations, and the rich calling for freedom. Their call for freedom consists of lower taxes, less government and regulations/oversight. These were also the desires of North American colonists. From what we know about the colonists demand for freedom, we should ask ourselves if their call for freedom is also pernicious and dangerous for the populace. Due to their insatiable and voracious appetite for wealth and power, we should be vigilant and suspicious of their call for freedom. 

How can freedom be dangerous?

Freedom can be dangerous if those who are demanding freedom are immoral, unethical, greedy, pompous, racist and violent. (Murderers can ask a parole board for freedom, but the board will be suspicious of the request and will ask many questions.) Due to the fact that we live in a capitalist society, we should be very suspicious when wealthy individuals utter the word freedom. Once the colonists’ wealth increased, and Great Britain began to tax their wealth, they demanded freedom. Today, the rich are getting richer and they're demanding freedom. What will be the result of their freedom: they will have tremendous amounts of capital at their disposal, ownership of land across vast regions, and ownership of companies that many of us depend on. What position would that leave the populace in? It would put them in a needy and desperate position. The populace will be forced by necessity to capitulate to any demands put forth by the wealthy, and will see their freedom and rights fade away before their eyes. 

"One man's freedom can be another man's enslavement."-CLS1


Saturday, December 14, 2013


 Some Europeans have labeled many ethnic and racial groups of color terrorists or lawless criminals. If you know anything about their history, this should make you cringe. They colonized a vast majority of the world; build nations on the backs and bones of native and indigenous people; raped and murdered at will; enriched themselves with stolen goods; built defense barriers to create peaceful countries for themselves; and now that they are living comfortably in peace with all their stolen wealth, they call others terrorist. Revolution! Truth! Justice! Liberty!


 Vassal heirs of subordination and servitude, our inheritance is the axiom of our indubitably morbid reality. Seldom do our idle and preoccupied minds recall the atrocities committed toward our people, and the conditions in which we have endured. Amnesia has blind far too many generations. The fact that we were breed and sold like animals only six generations ago, considering the fact that our civil rights were begrudgingly relinquished only two generations ago, and considering the situation of our current conditions should leave no room or time for anything other than the reunification of our people. Why? Because if we don't, there is a strong possibility that we will send future generations back into a state of servitude.