Friday, December 13, 2013


Who am I? What am I? Where am I? Where am I going? Where did I come from? What is my purpose? How did I get here? These are question that have been flowing off man's tongue for thousands of years. Look at it from my unseen mind perspective: these may be questions the universe is asking itself. Our tongues and minds are just manifestations/mirrors (quantum physics, holographic universe) of the universe ruminating and pondering its own existence.

Cosmologists tell us that matter is energy at it core; psychologist tells us that our perspective of the outside world is based on our senses and our minds ability to interpret the sensory input. So our perspective is limited to our brains capacity to interpret the outside world. Cosmologists say that what is being interpreted is energy at its core; and neuroscientist says that your consciousness is brain activity/ELECTRICAL IMPULSES (energy). We are the universe gazing upon itself. We are a dimension in a spectrum of fields reverberating, reflecting and mirroring the same conscious mind. All things are one and one is all.  

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