Monday, December 23, 2013


America was built on the backs and bones of Native Americans and African slaves for European prosperity. European Americans used the sword, the whip, the gun, the shackles, and the bible to destroy and conquer people and land. Their rewards have quenched the thirst of prosperity for themselves and all those who have embraced their national ideologies.

When will you understand that America is what it has always been? This nation was not “founded” but STOLEN by European thugs. Their brutality gave rise to their prosperity. Anyone who partakes in her prosperity is also partaking in her brutality. Those who do so will not be spared. Do not be deceived: her prosperity does not come without bloodshed and deception. You are nursing from an old, cancerous, dying woman. If you prosper from her deception, you will suffer in her destruction. She is a wicked nation and has been so since the first letter of her constitution was written. She is a nation of vipers and beast, devils and less than holy priest. America is a land of devils! Although the masses of the American people have been deceived by the ruling elites, in their deceptive state of minds, they too are devils.

Enjoy the wealth of America while you can. Fill your homes with gifts and food. Forget the about the truth. Why should you concern yourself with the truth? The truth is irrelevant. There’s only one truth, and that’s your truth. There’s only one reality, and that’s your reality. Nothing matters outside of your own happiness. The world will take care of itself, right? Fools!!! In a state of delusion, you have formulated these thoughts and feelings of helplessness. Open your minds! Look the devil in the eyes.

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