Monday, December 30, 2013


The only reason something is alive is because it's dying. Without the process of death, can we say something is really living? The pinnacle of life is death. The climactic zenith of life is death. What is life without death? What is death without life? One gives purpose and reason for the other. Death is a process and a phase in which the living must traverse or transcend.

Your consciousness is a transient moment of awareness in the process of death. You are a witness of the galactic process of life and death. And not just a witness, but you are a player, made from the stars themselves, in the life story of the universe. Your life is a story being told by the universe itself. You are a page in the book of the cosmos. Your life story is just as much as the cosmos' life story as it is yours. Your physical body has been fashioned by the hands of the cosmos; and your experience, feelings, and knowledge are all micro bites of information in a macro universe. You are the culmination of circumstances, chances, serendipity, intention, fortune, mistakes, genetic heredity, social status, history, and environmental conditions. Your consciousness is a culmination of many things.

So, who are you? You are a galore of information packed into a minute place in the space-time continuum. You are but one blink of the galactic eyelash of the universe.

Understand your worth. Know that you are worth more than the fabrics you put on your back. You are precious because you are what you are....Human! We have been taught to be materialistic. We have lost our way. You are the jewel, diamond and precious stone. You are the wonder of the earth. Nothing on this earth is more sophisticated as you are; nothing is more precious as you are; nothing is more beautiful as you are. Know your worth. Don't admire man's creations more than you admire the creations of the universe. And understand this: you are the universe-at least a fraction of the ultimate consciousness of the universal consciousness.

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